Monday, February 4, 2008

One Step Closer

We often find ourselves looking for signs, whether those signs are the ones telling us how to get to the interstate or they are signs from God letting us know that we are following His will. For the Erwin family we just saw a big sign.

This last year we have felt God’s hand pushing us in the direction he would have us to go. Twelve and a half months ago I found out the company I was working for was going out of business. Ten months ago I was let go from the company I had worked at for six plus years. In getting downsized, I was given a 6 month severance package which let me concentrate on finding a job and taking the necessary steps to become a teacher. Six months ago I was hired at McMath Middle School, less than a 15 minute drive from my house and where Ethan was going to be in the 7th grade. Around Thanksgiving Sabrina and I started to talk about teaching overseas and we started to apply to a couple of websites. Right before Christmas we started to dialogue with the director of ICS. He offered us both positions on January 2nd. We were delighted.

But with this move overseas we had to start the process of applying for our passports. Final exams for the first semester of school here in Denton were the week of Jan. 14–18. There were no exams scheduled for the 18th so we went to the County Clerks office that day to apply for our passports. It took close to an hour to process our passports (which happens when you have five applications to fill out). But we mailed them off and started to pray they would be back within the 6 to 8 week period the website says it will take.

I opened the mailbox this afternoon after picking up my youngest from school and what should be in there..but our passports. We were elated to see them. Now we can really start all the paperwork to get our visas to Singapore.

Thank our God for his timely work in getting us our passports. We are so excited.

Jeremy Erwin

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