Friday, March 21, 2008

Update for the Erwin's

We are on Spring Break right now. It's been difficult to keep up with keeping you all up to date. So right now I am going update you on several things that have happened in our world.

1. We have bought our plane tickets. We are leaving at 10:10 am on July 10th. We are leaving from Dallas and flying to Tokyo where we will have a 6 hour layover. We then fly from Tokyo to Singapore. We will arrive in Singapore at 12:00 am on July 12th. All in all, the complete flight will take 27 hours.

2. Jeremy got to experience the joys of jury duty. He spent three days on a criminal DWI case. It was interesting at times and boring at times as the prosecution wasted no opportunity to make it very clear this guy was guilty.

3. Our schools closed on March 9th for a snow day. Jeremy still had a jury duty so, in a weird way, it worked out for good. Although he had to work, his students didn't have to have a substitute for another day.

4. Drew had his first Boy Scout camp out. Jeremy went as well.

That's all I can think of for right now. I will try to attach some pictures to this post as soon as I can.

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